23rd – 25th MAY | 26th JUNE | 3rd – 4th JULY 2021
The second block of this year’s ANTSEZONA 21 – SATELLITE SESSIONS opens in May, June and July 2021. It consists of works launched through space and time, distant but firmly connected by dynamic forces that attract them into orbits around each other. Still looking for ways to respond to the challenges we live and work in, we have placed the works in the conditions they need to live and in the relationships that seem to generate important topics and questions. Thus we open the ubiquitous theme of long-term collaborations: how we nurture them, how they change and how they change us over time, what kind of freedom and responsibility they bring, how they empower us. In the words of Karen Barad (quoted from the Sol program booklet):
Existence is not an individual affair. Individuals do not preexist their interactions; rather, individuals emerge through and as part of their entangled intra-relating.
In other words, we open the question of who we are now, in May 2021 after years of working together that has shaped us?
Welcome to another unconventional release of ANTISEZONA 21!
We start the block with satellites on the “home field”: in the exhibition space of the Museum of Contemporary Art where Ana Kreitmeyer and the Studio Contemporary Dance Company will premiere Fantastic Species. As part of ANTISEZONA Xtenzija, Sonja Pregrad and DISKOlektiv facilitate the laboratory that is part of their research Lab Archive as a Sensual / Experiential Object, and Kik Melone is showing the 2014 film Amoroso by pavleheidler, Sabine Mikelić, Sonja Pregrad and Silvia Marchig. This part of the block concludes with ANTISEZONA an Hangover Session: a conversation with the audience. The moderator of the conversation is a long-time collaborator of the author Ana Kreitmeyer, dramaturg Ivana Ivković.

SUNDAY, 23rd May 2021
15:00 – 18:00 MSU Extension / Ekstenzija | LAB ARCHIVE AS A SENSUAL / EXPERIENTIAL OBJECT Sonja Pregrad and DISKOlektiv |
18:00 Cinema MSU online | AMOROSO Kik Melone |
MONDAY, 24th May 2021
19:00 1st floor of the MSU permanent display | FANTASTIC SPECIES Studio Contemporary Dance Company and Ana Kreitmeyer premiere |
TUESDAY, 25th May 2021
19:00 1st floor of the MSU permanent display | FANTASTIC SPECIES Studio Contemporary Dance Company and Ana Kreitmeyer returning performance |
20:30 MSU lobby | HANGOVER SESSION MODERATOR: Ivana Ivković |
The second part of the satellite orbits around Zagreb Dance Center, which is alongside Gorgona only adequately equipped space for the Zagreb premiere of the inclusive play Second Skin, Third Ladies by Iva Nerina Sibila and Gordana Svetoperić, co-produced by Magic (Rijeka) and Divert (Zagreb), which is part of the official Rijeka 2020 program. The premiere will be followed by a rerun of last year’s play Sol by Silvia Marchig / Kik Melone.

SATURDAY, 26th June 2021
18:00 Zagreb Dance Center | SECOND SKIN, THIRD LADIES Magija, Divert and KIP Zagreb premiere |
20:00 Zagreb Dance Center | SOL Kik Melone returning performance |
We’ve launched the third satellites on the big stage of KUC Travno: the returning performance of the awarded piece Feral, authors Ana Kreitmeyer and Sonja Pregrad / Fourhanded. Due to injury of performer, Feral is cancelled and stasis: to visit, authors Anna Javoran and Ariana Prpić, will be shown instead. After the performance, as part of the ANTISEZONA Xtenzija and Kiborzi plešu programme, young author and performer Filip Sever will present his solo Body M.N., a work created as part of the subject Plesno kazalište on the Master’s programme Neverbalni teatar at the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek.
Presented also are two small forms of performative texts created on the two day Performative Writing Lab which dance artist Martina Tomić and dramaturge Nina Gojić held in the April block. The authors of the works are Dunja Crnjanski i Anita Čeko.

SATURDAY, 3rd July 2021
18:00 Cultural Center Travno | STASIS: TO VISIT Anna Javoran and Ariana Prpić guest performance |
20:00 Cultural Center Travno | BODY M.N. Filip Sever part of the ANTISEZONA Xtenzija and Kiborzi plešu programme |
17:30 – 20:00 Cultural Center Travno | PERFORMATIVE WRITING LAB: PAUZA Dunja Crnjanski |
SUNDAY, 4th July 2021
Tickets for the program in the Museum of Contemporary Art can be bought every day at the Museum’s reception desk. If you are considering buying tickets on the day of the performance, please reserve them beforehand by sending an e-mail to: recepcija@msu.hr
Tickets for the program in the Zagreb Dance Center and Cultural Center Travno are reserved on: antisezona@gmail.com
students, dance school pupils, retirees and unemployed persons – 20 kunas
persons with disability and chaperone – free
students, dance school pupils, retirees and unemployed persons – 35 kunas
persons with disability and chaperone – free
Hangover Sessions are included in the price of a ticket.
The Performative Writing Lab program is free.
The number of visitors is limited due to epidemiological reasons.
Museum of Contemporary Art – MSU
Avenija Dubrovnik 17, Zagreb
Zagreb Dance Center – ZPC
Ilica 10, Zagreb
Cultural Center Travno – KUC Travno
Ul. Božidara Magovca 17, Zagreb
ANTISEZONA online+live
Twitch, Zoom & WhatsApp, Internet
In order to participate on this programme, it is necessary to send an e-mail to the author: anita.ceko@gmail.com with your telephone number and a note at what time would you like to watch the performance.